August 16, 2011

Arise generation no longer forsaken..

It can be heart breaking to watch young people we work with make really awful choices at times. Poverty can push the mind to the edge and cause a person to do desperate things.
It can be discouraging sometimes when you pour your time into a young man or woman and then watch as they make a decision that will change their life forever.

I heard a quote at a worship conference a few weeks ago that I haven't been able to get out of my mind;

"It's our job to do the hard work. It's God's job to do the HEART WORK"

So true.

Only God can change a heart. Only He can change a life. I've seen Him do it time and time again. Even if we had the best youth workers, the best ministry or program, the best of everything- Only God can change a heart. Only He can  penetrate the inner most thoughts and emotions.Only He turn a terrible situation into something good.

Only He can turn disaster to destiny.

Our job? To be faithful in doing the hard work. To keep praying,being there and loving the ones that have messed up. I thank God for true friends that stuck by me and prayed me through during times when I fell. I hope I would be that person for others. I pray for a mouth that speaks life over the most hopeless of situations. For eyes that would see potential in people. To see past the mess and envisage the majesty of Christ that could be displayed through them. For  determination  to stand strong in the battle against the enemy who comes about like a roaring lion trying to steal, kill and destroy lives. My Jesus came so that they could have life and have it more abundantly!

"Arise generation, no longer forsaken- arise- arise- arise"  (from a song by Jon Owens)
I sings it as a declaration over youth at both sides of the world tonight!

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