March 31, 2013

There are some things we just can't control.

As my laptop  struggles to balance on my pregnant belly I am reminded I am 8 days overdue.If I had a pound for every time someone has said "oh , you are still here" or " you must be fed up waiting" I would have collected a substantial sum this week! It's funny though, because although I am so ready to meet our baby and excited, I have been feeling really content about just having these last few days with Josiah. He hasn't been feeling well all week and in a way I am glad I haven't had the baby yet as it means our son has had our full attention while he's been unsettled.I know that at some point baby Domingo number 2 will come when it is the right time! I mean, he can't stay in there forever!

taken by my hubby
"To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

 A time to be born, And a time to die"Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
I have been thinking about this verse all week and it spoke to me about how in a world where we try and control so much there are just some things that we have no control over. There are some things that we just can't plan. In a society where we are obsessed with order, preparation and aiming to have things done within our schedule, I find it quite freeing to be confronted with the fact that there are still things in my life I have no power at all over- like giving birth. I know that God has an appointed time for our baby to be born and he won't come a moment before or after that time!
Earlier on in the week my sister and I were chatting about the passing away of our step-dad. She was with him when he took his final breaths and was saying what a horrible thing it was to watch him die but that it was also such a sacred moment.
Sacred I said- how so?
She explained how he breathed out and then in and then out..... and that was it. God has appointed that very breath to be his last. In that very last breath out God has chosen to call him home to heaven. God decided that time and no one could have changed it. My sister was right- it was sacred.
The bible says there is a season for everything. I have learned this week that instead of fretting on when something may happen- just to let it be- let HIM be- and enjoy the fact that there are some things we just can't control!

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