"Bagong Silang" translated is newly born. What comes into your mind when you think of a new born? Joy.... life.... celebration....that sweet smell of a baby's head!
This precious little new born is named Angel Mae.
She was born and lives in a graveyard.
The name newly born is also the name of a cemetery. It's the name of a place where around 1000 families live . Their make shift houses are built on top of tombs or on unstable bamboo planks above the trash filled sea.
I will never forget the fist time we went there in 2008. To this day the images are engraved in my memory. As we drove over the muddy road through the gates, towered on each side above the ground were tombs packed one on top of the other. It was then I saw one of the most heartbreaking pictures of my life. To my right a skinny 3 year old girl sitting in between open tombs, surrounded by bones playing with a dead rat.
I could not and still cannot believe this is her reality.
To be honest it would be easy to become hopeless walking around Navotas Cemetery. There are layers upon layers of issues.At the same time there is a real sense of community and somehow it helps combat the feelings of despair that could creep in.
(click on the link below to watch a short video about Navotas)
There is a beacon of hope there. A church lead by the most joyful man I have ever met -Pastor Dodong. He is a faithful man who loves the Lord and loves people. His beautiful wife Virgie is an intercessor full of integrity. Each one of their 6 children are special and full of compassion.
They bring joy to a community that is full of death,love to people who feel unlovely and hope to families that have nothing to live for.

Sacrificial love.
Last week the local police warned them and the residents of community that the owners of the land are planning to burn down the houses.
The reason?
- They have decided they want the land back and as far as I understand, by law they are not allowed to just demolish homes. However there is nothing to stop an "accidental fire".
Maybe its just an empty threat?
- Last year a close by area in Navotas was burned down leaving people with nothing but the clothes on their back. This very day in fact we found out that the land owners started demolishing the area.
Now I have heard people say more than once over the last few years that its really the fault of the poor that they have nothing because they came to Manila when they had a home in the province. To say I feel angry at this comment is a bit of an understatement....
So you are telling me these thousands of people who are squatting on open dump sites and cemetery's have chosen to be there? You are saying they have left the comforts of their beautiful provinces to steal land to build shacks made of plastic bags, wood scraps and chicken wire because they wanted to? Would you want to live amongst the putrid smells of human waste and rotting bodies? Neither do they.
Its true most of the people in these communities have come from the province. Most of their story's go something like this......
They left the province because there was no work and their children were starving. They desired to give their families a better life so they came to Manila to find work. When they arrived they discovered the harsh reality that there were no jobs and so were stuck unable to afford the travel expenses back to their home. They did not want to beg so they moved to the dump site and cemetery and began trying to find ways to survive. Some pick trash- some clean graves - they work and earn what they can.
These families work hard. Every volunteer we have had come out here will testify to that. Yes earning penny's - but trying hard to provide for their families. You know what? They are still welcoming. They would still push past their problems to bring you a smile.
Pray that this community would truly be newly born.... born again in Jesus Christ.
I love the people from this community... It is breaking my heart that I will have to leave them... I just hope the year I have been able to give them has helped at least a little.