Jesus feels. He feels their hurts and allows us to feel too so that we are moved to compassion and compelled to move.
These girls are only 9 ,7 and 3 and have had to endure starvation as their father squanders money on drugs. Their young hearts have been forced to break and re-break as they watch their mother get beaten and told it's their fault -the very child in her womb fighting daily for survival. A younger sibling already died at the cruel hand of neglect.Her sisters watched as she was poisoned,their emotions pressed down as they grieved in silence. These 3 precious girls have been subjected to horrors upon horrors at all levels of abuse. I would not begin to share them here.
I'm so thankful for HOPE. That Jesus can take a broken life and make it something beautiful. He really can. He's the only one who really can.
The girls are under the care of our team 24 hours a day now and living with our staff.
Pray for them. Pray for us as we help them.
If you are compelled to help in a practical way, we are still in need of sponsors for their food; P100 a day for them -£1.40
If you can help with even part of this it would be a real help at this time.
There are times when all we can do is pray. I was reminded of a song I wrote years ago when I was a student in a school where out of 29 children 22 were being abused in some way. Prayer is precious gift to us - it reaches the heart of the feeling Jesus..
Send them an angel
This child is suffering. In his eyes so much hurt
Stories untold and secrets kept deep inside
He looks so lost right now like he has wandered out of reach
But in his heart he's crying out "has everyone given up on teaching me?"
Send him an angel to guard him in the night
Jesus draw near to him in the morning light
I pray, give him a strength through the day that he does not quite understand
Stay close. Keep him safe in Your hands
This child is suffering. She has a beauty that's unseen
To some she's just a no-one and she never will be
But she is precious. She is much deeper than she seems
She asked me this question-"Am I still a princess"
I said yes.
Send her an angel.....
This child is suffering. Now he carries many scars
To most he's just trouble and he'll never make it far
But under the surface he has so much more to give
He reaches out longing to feel more than pain
His hands are reaching out for just one touch of love again
Send him an angel....
"Arise cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches;
Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift up your hands toward Him for the lives of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street"
(Lamentations 2:19)
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