You have to open your heart, give it away to people at the risk of it getting broken to pieces. You have to be willing to give and give and expect nothing in return from the people you are trying to help.You have to make a decision to love, love more and keep loving. It's easy to "talk sacrifice" or sing something like "I surrender all" but sometimes honestly it's very hard to do! The truth is sacrifice hurts.It's not meant to be easy otherwise it wouldn't be called sacrifice.
But this is also truth- the more I discover the pains and burdens of mission work, the more I know the beautiful loving kindness of my Lord. God is the strength of my heart.
If you are in ministry today and feel the heaviness of loving 'till it hurts- throw your self upon your Abba Daddy. To everything there is a season. Sometimes it's the season of overwhelming joy watching change in broken people, sometimes you will see the fruit of your labour and sometimes you won't and all you feel you get in return are problems,but don't lose heart. HE is so faithful. I love that He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
At the end of the day how could I even talk of sacrifice after everything Jesus went through for me? The burdens of ministry are nothing compared to what my Jesus endured. He removed the option to quit. He did not give up. Oh to have a heart that would remain faithful until the very end. To be determined to commit to the call and say I will not look back. I pray by grace I will keep my eyes on Jesus, run my course and finish my race no matter what the cost.
".. let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your soul" Heb 12:2-3
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