It's funny that my comfort zone now includes the following...
walking in poo has become normal! |
walking through poo most days
teaching a few hundred children at a time
eating what feels like tons of rice
loos having no such thing as a flush or toilet roll
rats,roaches and sometimes scorpions nearby
being covered in mosquito bites
flies sharing my food
smelling like garbage
Today when we arrived in Tondo we were forced to go into problem solving mode before we even stepped in the door. Just about 30 mins before a couple of hundred people were about to come bursting through the gate (mostly kids under 12) we noticed the classrooms were empty. No chairs, no tables, no electric fans, no whiteboards.... not really anything actually! The lovely local women came to me in a panic saying there were almost no cooking utensils and only 50 plates and about 20 spoons. They were due to start the feeding program after kids church fo about 400!
All of the stuff had been moved to the new container school. Don't get me wrong it's a HUGE answered prayer, miracle and blessing that the new school will open soon!!We are all so excited that this building will break strongholds of poverty. It was just a bit of a shock that we had no time to prepare for much needed items suddenly vanishing! In the busyness of the move someone had forgot to communicate that literally everything would be taken from the old warehouse,where we run almost all groups and not much would be left. The original plan was that we would still be able to use old equipment and new ones would be bought for the new building. For now it doesn't look like this is happening,which leaves us with very little and on a faith journey as to how we can replace it before we leave in 2 weeks time!! eek .. i am trusting... i am trusting!!! God provides!!
All of the stuff had been moved to the new container school. Don't get me wrong it's a HUGE answered prayer, miracle and blessing that the new school will open soon!!We are all so excited that this building will break strongholds of poverty. It was just a bit of a shock that we had no time to prepare for much needed items suddenly vanishing! In the busyness of the move someone had forgot to communicate that literally everything would be taken from the old warehouse,where we run almost all groups and not much would be left. The original plan was that we would still be able to use old equipment and new ones would be bought for the new building. For now it doesn't look like this is happening,which leaves us with very little and on a faith journey as to how we can replace it before we leave in 2 weeks time!! eek .. i am trusting... i am trusting!!! God provides!!
One of our feeding ministry volunteers said " Oh it seems like having a new husband!!" What she was expressing was that it was like starting all over again... and it really felt that way!
plastic instead of plates |
Most of our kids have no boundaries at home and over 3 years with our team its been amazing to watch them thrive by having some consistency. I don't know if this is coming across as its meant to but probably those of you have volunteered with us would understand whats this morning would have looked like. Take away all usual physical structure.... give the children clear open spaces and what would they do? To my Scottish friends " they wur loosin the heed!!" Its was total madness. Add to this 40 degree heat, no fans and very hungry tummy's and imagine!
I want to tell you how totally thankful Ron and I were for our team (who are all made up of local people living in the Tondo community) I was so proud of them as they all rallied together and just got on with things, working through the problems and finding creative solutions. From the youngest teen who volunteers with the kids ministry to the women who cooked and serve for the feeding program. I thought to myself - God you are just so good giving us these people. Although we were all exhausted, we were elated at the unity in the team. Really, they were amazing. They are full of compassion for their own community.
Today was so challenging for many reasons. We had very sick children, a woman who mis carried and others with urgent needs that we had to attend to. I came home and wept over the suffering of the of people today.Sometimes it hits you with big WHACK ! BAM! WALLOP! Honestly it can be so overwhelming when you can't help them all at one time and you so desperately want to. I'm so thankful we can throw our selves upon God. That's what I done when I got home, just lay at the feet of my Abba Father and wept. (and in my wonderful hubby's arms too)
I haven't been able to get this quote from Gracia Burnhams book To Fly Again out of my mind since I read it last week;
"God is attracted to weakness. He can't resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need Him. Our weakness, in fact, makes room for His power"
WOW! I love that! So getting thrown out your comfort zone is a good thing!
What is it about each of us that wants to appear strong? Why are we so afraid to let down our guard, drop the facade and admit our weakness? Why is it so important for others to think we are in control, confident, competent and capable? Could it be pride I wonder? Yep! Heart check for me! Here in the Philippines when you say " kumusta ka" (how are you" everyone replies with " Mabuti -yes as in Ma-BOOTY :) which means fine.
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I'm fine! |
The youth use a term here which I think sums it up. PLASTIC. Meaning he/she is just pretending. Don't we all do this at times though - pretend I mean. I know I do, not intentionally but I do. Sometimes it's because we don't want to let people down, make people sad,keep up appearance of being a"good leader" to the team. But you know what I have learned since starting out on this crazy journey of full time mission work...
The best kind of leader is a weak leader. Hmmmm... how so?
When I am weak HE is strong!! How much freedom we would feel is we always walked in this truth. I am free because I know that I know that I know that without HIM i can do NOTHING! HE is the strength of my life.
So though we do not have a clue about how all the equipment will be replaced, at the end of the day what matters WAY MORE is what I witnessed and felt today. There was not much stuff but there was TEAM and there was LOVE and a whole lot of LAUGHTER!
Team |