July 17, 2012

I made a difference for THAT ONE.

I hadn't intended blogging two nights in a row. But our darling baby son has cooperated with his bedtime schedule tonight and I found myself browsing through face book. I came  across a post on a friends page about "The starfish" I used to have this up on my wall as a teenager and when I read it tonight it just sang encouragement straight to my heart.

The Starfish Story
Original Story by: Loren Eisley

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed
a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, What are you doing?

The youth replied, Throwing starfish back into the ocean.
The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them back, they'll die.

Son, the man said, don't you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish?
You cant make a difference!

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish,
and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said
I made a difference for that one.
After all these years I find such motivation in these words once again.I'm thankful to read them.Sometimes we are surrounded by so many critical needs that the very thought of changing things and making any kind of lasting difference seems on the border of being ridiculous! Of course that is us thinking in the natural realm only. It's negative midset creeping in. 
I remember a couple of years back we had a journalist from a British news channel interview us. I remember as we toured him round the dump site community that he seemed almost completely untouched- impassive. I remember at the time thinking that he must have seen so much anguish all over the world that he had either become used to it or that it was a way of coping.Which ever it was Ron and I were absolutely unprepared for one of his questions that day. It was delivered in a very matter of fact and pretty cold tone;
"So do you really think you are making a difference to all thi?. Surely the situation will only get worse"
To be honest I can't even remember what we mumbled in response.We were both a little taken aback by his lack of hope.
Afterwards and on many occasions Ron and I talked about how if we were to look at the whole picture- all the needs, all the families, all the suffering and then look at what we were doing to change it, we would most definitely pack our bags and get on the next flight! I mean really, 30,000 families. We are merly scratching the surface. But if we remain focused on one person at a time.If we really commit to seeing that person standing before us at that appointed time. If we respond to the needs of that one, then we are making a difference.Are we changing the living situations of the whole dump site community?No. Are we making a difference one child at a time? I think by Gods grace alone- yes.
It's not about being the biggest charity. Its not about our work being well known. Its not about having the most high status funders or the best materials. It's really just about remaining faithful to the people we believe God has called us to. Its about loving Him first and loving that one he puts in our path.It's about being willing for your plans to be interrupted to make a difference for time and eternity to that one.
"Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me." MAtt 18:5
Be encouraged today.Jesus spoke to thousands in crowds but he also shows us the most beautiful examples of how he stopped to talk and meet the practical needs of that one person.Over and over he demonstrates the importance.We all have a chance to make a differnce for that one.

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